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Harvest Church

Nov 29, 2020

God is the source of life, it comes from Him. To value life, to cherish it, preserve it, and protect it, is God's own heart at work in us. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Nov 22, 2020

The truth is who God is. His character, nature, and essence are truth. There is no deception in God and He will help us walk in truth with Him. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Nov 15, 2020

God is a good God, a loving God, and merciful God. But He loves righteousness, it is part of who He is and it is part of His great plan for our lives. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Nov 8, 2020

No matter what comes we can stand through it, not because of our own strength but because of the One who stands with us! By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Nov 1, 2020

The truth of God's word does not bend or sway to popular opinion or social pressure. His truth is a rock and an anchor that we can build our lives on. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.