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Harvest Church

Mar 31, 2019

God has made a way for us to honor Him by returning a portion of the resources He entrusts us with. And when we do this with a right heart, it causes Him to pour our of His heart into our lives. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Mar 28, 2019

God has given us power to use our words for good. Power to deny what is evil. And power to represent Him with honor. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Mar 24, 2019

God's purpose and His plan are always good, and His understanding is not limited by our perspective or experience. If we will trust His instructions, He will lead us towards living our best life. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Mar 17, 2019

When God gives us an instruction, He is also giving us ability to do something that effects eternity. By Pastor Shawn Lyons. 

Mar 14, 2019

The tongue is a little part of our body but it has great ability to change the course of our lives and to impact others. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.