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Harvest Church

Feb 27, 2020

God is living and powerful and He is active in the lives of His people. He guides us, He helps us, and He fights for us! By Pastor Nate Fazekas.

Feb 23, 2020

When faced with the fires of this life, if we are fully persuaded in God's power to deliver us and His great love towards us, we will walk in victory! By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Feb 16, 2020

What we put first matters and what we prioritize matters. When we put God's things first, He will get involved in our things to see that they are taken care of. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Feb 13, 2020

God's power shows up brightly in the midst of our difficulties. When the storms of life cause us to draw closer to God we come out of them stronger than when we went in. By Pastor Shawn Lyons. 

Feb 9, 2020

Perfect love pushes fear out. God's love and our trust in Him can displace worry in our heart and enable us to live in God's peace. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.