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Harvest Church

Aug 31, 2020

Distractions may arise that threaten to knock you off course. But if we will focus our attention on God, He can bring about great victory even in the midst of difficulties. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Aug 23, 2020

In this word it is easy to become distracted and focus on the negative. But if we keep out eyes on God, on the source of our victory, we will receive strength to overcome! By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Aug 20, 2020

Peace is part of our protection, it is part of the armor that God gives us, it is part of the good news of Jesus Christ. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Aug 16, 2020

There is no name, be it of an enemy, an obstacle, or a sickness that is higher than the name of Jesus. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.

Aug 13, 2020

The time is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. It is time for us to be all in. By Pastor Shawn Lyons.